Final Countdown

WOW!  What a week!  Our schedule has been busy and you, as parents, have helped to get us through.  THANK YOU HUGELY to those parents who have been volunteering their time, driving to field trips, watching kiddos, participating in parties, making signs, bringing food, and all the million other things you’ve done to help us out in our classroom.

Today’s Harry Potter party was a WILD success and I think the kiddos had a wonderful time.  They were helpful, respectful, and loaded with sugar (we tried to dance the energy out before sending them off to their next year’s teacher!).

Move-Up Day went well – we always see a few tears at realizing they might not be with their best pal next year or they were hoping for the other teacher – however I’ve reminded them that they will see their friends all the time and hopefully they can get excited over the summer!

As some of them have told you, I will actually not be returning to Carnation next year.  I’ve taken a 5th Grade position at Moorlands Elementary in the Northshore School District.  This new school is only 10 minutes from my house (whereas Carnation is 45 minutes away).  We live so close to both grandmas and it is the best decision for our new little family.  Baby Jon appreciates that Carnation will be letting me leave the only school I’ve ever known!

The school Hygiene Product Drive was a huge success – over 900 items were collected!  The End Summer Hunger Coin Drive also brought in almost $600 to provide more than 240 meals to kiddos this summer.  Thank you for your donations and for supporting the local community members who benefit from Hopelink.

Monday we will be signing yearbooks, having an awards assembly (10 am), watching Brother Bear, writing a million thank you notes, celebrating some more summer birthdays, we have extra Music, and then heading home from our final full day as 3rd graders.

If your student plans to miss the final day of school, please let me know so that I can get them their materials on Monday.

Thanks, again, for your efforts in making this year and final few weeks a success!!!

Mrs. Klein

(P.S.) I will have photos of your student like the one below ready to be taken home next week!Jon Quidditch

June is Coming!

Dear Room 122 Families!

We are off and running with our Opinion Speeches!  The kiddos did a great job and I am going to try and post the videos I took soon.  I will send out a Remind notice when they are uploaded!

We have a few upcoming things:

Tuesday June 2 – 11:00 Nature Walk with Mrs. Wing (look for a permission slip).  Kiddos should already be in their PE shoes for this day so make sure they can also handle some dirt/rocks/hillside.

Friday June 5 – Watching Harry Potter (look for this permission slip, too!)  Students who are not watching this film will be able to join Mrs. Wing’s crew that day and enjoy her class’ activities.

Monday June 8 – Oxbow Field Trip 9:15 – 1:00 (volunteers – have you checked with the office to be sure you’re clear?)

Thursday June 11 – Field Day!

Friday June 12 – Move Up Day! 1:15 – 2:00

Monday June 15 – School Awards Assembly 10 am

Tuesday June 16 – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!


Our field trip to the landfill was amazing this week.  Students witnessed the large expanse of grass covered, rotting garbage as well as the staggering numbers – over 200,000 tons of garbage per DAY ends up in the landfill and 40% OF IT IS RECYCLABLE!!!  Check out some of the pictures included in this post from our day of viewing the Landfill (and its many bald eagle residents).

Library Books Are Due Now!  The first class to turn in all library books (and pay any fines) wins a popcorn party with Mrs. Irion!  Notes are coming home today with your students if a book or fine is due.

Testing – We have ALMOST finished all of our computer testing – we have some stragglers who are truly working hard to get their testing finished and after next Friday it will all be done for sure.  HOORAY!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs. K

IMG_4883The Tipper plops 22,000 lbs of garbage into the landfill – there are over 200 crates tipped each day!IMG_4885 I counted 11 bald eagles at one time!IMG_4888Wally was our personal tour guide through the Landfill.


End of May

Hello Families of Room 122!

These weeks are flying by and we are a mere 16 school days away from the end.  This is a busy busy time and your lives, I’m sure, are busy outside of school.  We ask for patience and grace as we try to shove in/finalize/still continue to teach all while the weather gets warmer and students get squirmier.

Volunteers  – Thank you for those that made it to the tea yesterday evening!  It was fun and delicious!  Also, we had an amazing number of you offer to come on our upcoming field trips.  Please check your email because we needed to make some adjustments due to bus occupancy and paperwork.  If you have questions about your volunteering please call or email.

We do need one additional volunteer on Tuesday, June 2 for a one hour Nature Walk from 11:00 – 12ish (back before our lunch).  I will take first come on this one so please email if you can make it.

Your students are working hard measuring to the nearest inch, half-inch, and quarter-inch.  It has been somewhat of a difficult process – however! – they will be bringing home a part of a packet next week to practice measuring YOU!  Any extra practice is helpful as well.

Opinion Writing Speeches – has your student suddently become much more convincing as to why they should get to stay up late?  I’m sorry!  They are running away fast with their skills in Opinion Writing.  They have handed in their final drafts and next week will be practicing for their speeches.  The speeches will take place Friday May 29th (it’s a full Friday) between 1:05 and 3:10.  If you would like to see your kiddo’s speech please email me a time that works so I can write them in for a specific time.

Homework – I will continue to ask that students read 30 minutes per night.  Life is busy – so please make decisions that are best for your family regarding work in math.  I will keep packets available and will send incomplete assignments home for work as needed.

Does your student have a Summer birthday?  If you would like us to celebrate your student’s birthday (we give compliments and eat treats if they are brought in) – we can do so before the end of the year.  Please email if this sounds like an option for you!

Have a great long weekend!

Mrs. Klein


Plants, Field Trips, End of the Year – OH MY!

IMG_4542Hello Families!

What a wild two weeks we have had!  First of all, our Walk-a-thong went very well.  Thank you to the lovely volunteers who came to sweat it out with us and tally laps.  We appreciate you!

Speaking of volunteers – we have received your permission slips and volunteer requests.  In order to volunteer please make sure your volunteer paperwork is current and updated in the office.  It only takes one day to do it so please double check ASAP so we can be sure you’re cleared to join us!

Testing – FINISHED!  Give your kiddos a pat on the back for being such troopers during all of this Smarter Balanced Assessment business.  They have truly persevered and been very patient with me, the system, their classmates, and the longevity of the process.

HOMEWORK – The current math packet (multiplication and division review) is due NEXT Friday (May 22) but it IS OPTIONAL.  Please continue to read 30 minutes a night.  We will have one final project coming up for JUNE involving some measurement, some art, some geometry, and a teensy bit-o-fun, too.

Class Topics: We are currently working on our plants to measure and graph their growth, observe pollination, and complete the life cycle.  In writing we’ve begun opinion writing and how to be persuasive – beware of your kiddos having stronger and more rational arguments for why they should get to stay up later or not eat their veggies (sorry!).  We are continuing our reading practice and trying to squeeze in as much independent reading as we can so that hopefully the habits stay up over the summer.  We are so so close to finishing Harry Potter – be looking for the movie permission slip to come home next week.  In Math we are measuring using rulers (both inches and centimeters), we will begin volume, mass, and graphing in the coming weeks.

NEEDED: Donated (new or used) copies of Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets (book 2 of the series).  Many students end of loving the first one so much they want a copy of the second and I love to stock the room with them before summer.

ALSO NEEDED: Paper grocery bags – we will have a ton of “STUFF” coming home towards the end of the year and these kiddos backpacks are too cute/small to jam everything into.

Thanks for reading to the end and thank you for continuing to make my transition back to school a welcome and happy one.  Check out the pictures of your kiddos observing the bees outside our classroom and pollinating their plants!


May 1, 2015

Dear Families of Room 122!

Two weeks back after spring break and there is a lot going on!

Walk-a-Thon – Info for the Walk-a-Thon is coming home today in backpacks.  The actual walking takes place next Friday, May 8.  Our class walks from 10:20 – 11:15.  We need volunteers to help with this so please let me know ASAP if you can come from about 10 to 11:30 that day.

Volunteers – Speaking of volunteers!  We will be having a field trip to Oxbow Farms on Monday June 8. Students will get a full farm experience going on a nature scavenger hunt, learning about planting and operations of the farm, and enjoying the (hopefully) beautiful sunny day.  We need about 5 – 8 parents per class for this one so please let us know if you can chaperone.

Homework – As we all know your homework procedures changed over the time I was gone.  I will be announcing some other changes to your students on Monday, but please look for that info coming home Monday.  For now, please continue to encourage your students to read for 30 minutes a night and to work on math.

Testing – We have the second and final round of Smarter Balanced Assessments next week on Wednesday and Thursday.  Math!  We have the kiddos amped up and reminded that using their scratch paper to write problems out will help them to succeed.  Great reminders for preparing at home are to get lots of sleep, avoid screentime right before bed (helps with better sleep), eat well, and to not be stressed about the results.  Students will also be HUNGRY!  If you feel that you can provide a healthy snack for the class on one of those days please send it with your kiddo.  We do have a refrigerator if need be (string cheeses, gogurts, etc).  Thank you in advance!

It’s been a wonderful two weeks, and we have 7 more to go!  Homestretch!

Mrs. Klein


Hi everyone!

Thank you for making my first week back a warm and welcoming one.

The kiddos have been working hard this week to be ok with changes, differences, re-dos, and the many questions that pop up when we have a big transition.  Thank you in advance for all of your patience as we transition back into some old ways and carry on some of the amazing new things they’ve done.

As I gather up and re-orient myself with all we have going on at school I will send out more posts, but for now thank you again and have a great weekend!

Mrs. Klein

Mrs. Klein’s Last Day

classroom workingDear Families of Room 122,

I took this picture today to remind myself of how far these hardworking students have come since September.  They are wonderful, engaged, and determined to learn!  It is with that, that I am sad to say today was my last day (for now) here at school.  While I have not yet had the baby, my husband and I have decided to take some time (one day? ten?  we just don’t know! however long Baby Klein gives us!), and prepare, rest, and enjoy.  I expect to be back at some point in Late March to Early April.

I am so excited that Mrs. Ayres will be here tomorrow to continue her work with these kiddos, and that they are all in great hands.  Her email is up and running at and will be the same classroom extension 425-844-4909.

I have not told your students this information yet, so please share with them.  I just couldn’t face the goodbyes without being a crying, sobbing mess!  Thank you and I will see you in the Spring.

Mrs. Klein


Welcome Back

All 3 Cats

Happy January, everyone!

This week will be a transition for everyone as we start 2015 by culminating some projects and, obviously, make a big transition to a new teacher taking over the room.  You will be notified when this happens, obviously!

Here are a few things to note:

We will be back in the schedule of having regular homework.  Due tomorrow: Kiddos will be sharing something unique they did over the break (that they believe no one else got to do).  They can share this orally, written, drawn, presented, power point, skit, whatever they’d like.  It should be 3 minutes or less just like our regular Show Us What You’ve Learned.  Due next week will be our typical weekly Show Us What You’ve Learned.

January Volunteer Schedule is here: January Volunteer Schedule 2015
Please remember to check the dates before arriving as some times/days have changed.

We will be watching this video today about New Year’s Resolutions and how to make the year awesome for yourself and for others.  A great message to start off the year back at school.  If you haven’t seen other Kid President videos, I’d highly recommend them!

As for me, I spent most of my break with my husband and the three cats you see in the picture getting things all set up for the new baby.  We will send another newsletter home on Friday.  Happy back to school, everyone!

Have a Wonderful Break!

We made it!  First of all, thank you for all of your kind gifts and treasures for myself and my family.  You are such a wonderful and supportive group of people!

Our Party Today – aka – WOOHOO!

We had a blast today eating (too much sugar) and playing games, dancing and goofing off.  It was a happy, happy morning for us all. Thanks to those who could help and brought treats to share.  They got to work off their sugar rush during music and PE so hopefully they won’t be crashing when they get home.  They are coming home with a little baggie’o’candy that we decided would be best saved for later so check that in case you’re a starburst fan!

Unit 1 Math Tests

Yesterday our Unit 1 Math Tests came home with an overview of the unit.  Our next unit still focuses on multiplication and division so we will be continuing to practice our strategies and skills to improve.  Many of us received scores that were surprising or not as high as expected.  This is the best example of how we as teachers use assessments to guide our instruction – we can see which students need specific assistance in each area and guide them accordingly. If you have any questions about the test please reach out.

HW Over Break

Read!  Type!  Read!  Type!  I have asked the kiddos to come back with one thing to share that they think no one else did over the break.  They can present it as a “Show us What You’ve Learned” in that it can be shared however they want – even just as a story they tell.  Nothing formal.  Also, read!  Type!  Read!  Type! Oh, and of course enjoy your families (maybe read to them?)

Athena Ayres

Your students may come home telling you all about their new teacher!  We have hired Athena Ayres (kids pronounced it “airs” and that seemed right on) for our long term substitute position for my maternity leave.  She chatted with the students and they learned some incredible things about her!  I am sure, when the time comes, she will introduce herself to you all via this blog and in other ways.  I am glad some parents got to see her in action this morning before the party began, and that the students got a glimpse into the future of their learning.  I am confident that Athena will bring her own special approaches to learning and that their time with her will benefit them greatly!  As a reminder, I will be working until Baby Klein makes his appearance, so we do not have an official start date.  However, Mrs. Ayres will be ready and rockin whenever we call her up to make the transition.  She will be with us for at least two days in the first week back of January to hang, observe, teach, interact, transition, etc.  Welcome, Athena!

Stuff Coming Home

Your student will have a few projects and papers coming home today.  The biggest of which is their Storypath portfolio.  They have worked all year so far on putting that portfolio together during our Native American Storypath experiences.  They are excited to take their materials home, so chat with them about their experiences and let them share all they learned and worked so hard on.  It was quite an undertaking and they all handled it fantastically!

Have a wonderful break and we will see you in January!

Mrs. Klein

One Week Left Until Break!

Dear Room 122 Families,

Hello!  This is a long one with tons of info so stick with me and please email me with any questions you may have!

Homework Over Break

So, we do not have any Show Us What You’ve Learned over the break.  However, I am asking that you please please please try to keep in the routine of reading 30 minutes per night, typing 10-15 minutes per day, and practicing XtraMath lessons daily.  We always see a big backslide over Winter Break.  Keeping your kiddo on a schedule of these daily items will help them transition back to class in January. Scroll over the “Homework” tab to see at home ideas to stay practicing!

Class Party

The plan is to have our party from 9:10 – 10:45 on Friday, Dec. 19.  So far we have only one volunteer for sending in treats or for volunteering.  If you can help out in any way please email me to let me know!

Projects Due Tuesday

Your student’s Family Project is due Tuesday.  Students can present their items separately or on a poster board.  Please note: STUDENTS ARE NOT READING THEIR LETTER TO US.  They are sharing the 3 important facts that they learned from asking 3 important questions of their family.  They can bring the letter to show us, but they are not standing in front of us reading their letters.

If you have misplaced the rubrics you can find all of the information for the presentations HERE.

If you’d like to see when your student is presenting you can find that HERE.

Book Orders

Please place any last minute book orders before Friday, Dec. 19.  These orders will arrive after break.  I will not be asking my long-term substitute to continue book orders while they are here, so any orders placed after Dec. 19th will not be processed until I return from maternity leave.  Book order info found HERE.


WOW!  It has been amazing to see that over 1,000 books have found new homes and will be read by new eyes.  Thank you for participating and showing your support for literacy in our schools!

Long-Term Substitute

We are only days away  from being able to tell you about our incoming substitute.  We are finalizing hiring decisions and look forward to sharing with you all.  Currently, the plan is for me to return after Winter Break and work until my son is born (due date January 16).  We all know things can change with pregnancy, so it could certainly be that if he comes super early that I won’t be back after the break.  However, he could also be late and I’ll be here til the end of January.  Who knows!  What we do know are a few things:

–          We are hiring one person, not multiple, for my long term leave

–          Our hope and plan is for this person to remain consistent with our routines, procedures, homework policies, classroom agendas, etc, so that the transition back to my return goes more smoothly

–          There will, of course, be some changes.  Every teacher is different and has their own style.  We ask that students and parents are flexible as everyone adjusts to any changes that may occur.  When in doubt, please ask questions for clarification to new expectations.  “That’s not how Mrs. Klein did it,” may cross your mind, but please know that our substitute isn’t me and will definitely have their own special attributes that you come to prefer!

Hour of Code

Students participating in Hour of Code this week with our wonderful district Technology Teacher, Karen Mayfield.  Check out the tech video links below to see what we were involved in.

1. Introduction to the Hour of Code (2 min)

2. Inspiration for Coding (5 or 9 min)

5 min for Grades 1-2:

9 min for Grades 3-5:

3. A Message from President Obama (1 min)



We will be watching Shrek on Thursday Dec 18.  Green permission slips when home and I’ve received about half of them back.  Please return them ASAP so your student can watch with us.  If you do not want your student to view Shrek with us, please let me know that as well so we are not calling you the day of the movie for permission.

Volunteer Schedules

I have posted the Volunteer Schedules HERE for January through April of 2015.  If you need to make adjustments to them, please address those changes to myself (as long as I’m still here) or to our future sub.


As usual, families plan to leave early for Winter Break, miss days of school, etc.  If your student will be gone please contact the office prior to the absence.  With the whole school dealing with absences it is easier for the office to handle the flood of notes/emails/calls before the last minute.

Thank you for reading all the way through!  I plan to address one more newsletter before we head into break.  Have a wonderful weekend!