Final Countdown

WOW!  What a week!  Our schedule has been busy and you, as parents, have helped to get us through.  THANK YOU HUGELY to those parents who have been volunteering their time, driving to field trips, watching kiddos, participating in parties, making signs, bringing food, and all the million other things you’ve done to help us out in our classroom.

Today’s Harry Potter party was a WILD success and I think the kiddos had a wonderful time.  They were helpful, respectful, and loaded with sugar (we tried to dance the energy out before sending them off to their next year’s teacher!).

Move-Up Day went well – we always see a few tears at realizing they might not be with their best pal next year or they were hoping for the other teacher – however I’ve reminded them that they will see their friends all the time and hopefully they can get excited over the summer!

As some of them have told you, I will actually not be returning to Carnation next year.  I’ve taken a 5th Grade position at Moorlands Elementary in the Northshore School District.  This new school is only 10 minutes from my house (whereas Carnation is 45 minutes away).  We live so close to both grandmas and it is the best decision for our new little family.  Baby Jon appreciates that Carnation will be letting me leave the only school I’ve ever known!

The school Hygiene Product Drive was a huge success – over 900 items were collected!  The End Summer Hunger Coin Drive also brought in almost $600 to provide more than 240 meals to kiddos this summer.  Thank you for your donations and for supporting the local community members who benefit from Hopelink.

Monday we will be signing yearbooks, having an awards assembly (10 am), watching Brother Bear, writing a million thank you notes, celebrating some more summer birthdays, we have extra Music, and then heading home from our final full day as 3rd graders.

If your student plans to miss the final day of school, please let me know so that I can get them their materials on Monday.

Thanks, again, for your efforts in making this year and final few weeks a success!!!

Mrs. Klein

(P.S.) I will have photos of your student like the one below ready to be taken home next week!Jon Quidditch

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