May 1, 2015

Dear Families of Room 122!

Two weeks back after spring break and there is a lot going on!

Walk-a-Thon – Info for the Walk-a-Thon is coming home today in backpacks.  The actual walking takes place next Friday, May 8.  Our class walks from 10:20 – 11:15.  We need volunteers to help with this so please let me know ASAP if you can come from about 10 to 11:30 that day.

Volunteers – Speaking of volunteers!  We will be having a field trip to Oxbow Farms on Monday June 8. Students will get a full farm experience going on a nature scavenger hunt, learning about planting and operations of the farm, and enjoying the (hopefully) beautiful sunny day.  We need about 5 – 8 parents per class for this one so please let us know if you can chaperone.

Homework – As we all know your homework procedures changed over the time I was gone.  I will be announcing some other changes to your students on Monday, but please look for that info coming home Monday.  For now, please continue to encourage your students to read for 30 minutes a night and to work on math.

Testing – We have the second and final round of Smarter Balanced Assessments next week on Wednesday and Thursday.  Math!  We have the kiddos amped up and reminded that using their scratch paper to write problems out will help them to succeed.  Great reminders for preparing at home are to get lots of sleep, avoid screentime right before bed (helps with better sleep), eat well, and to not be stressed about the results.  Students will also be HUNGRY!  If you feel that you can provide a healthy snack for the class on one of those days please send it with your kiddo.  We do have a refrigerator if need be (string cheeses, gogurts, etc).  Thank you in advance!

It’s been a wonderful two weeks, and we have 7 more to go!  Homestretch!

Mrs. Klein

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